This is the first #HashtagHumpday that I’m doing for the year and I have some thing at I just have to get off my chest. Buckle up.
I will judge you when you put apostrophes where they don’t belong. Seriously, it isn’t that hard to figure out if you need to make a word plural, possessive, or a contraction. Kegs / Keg’s have two totally different meanings. #TheyreThereTheir #FifthGradeWasYearsAgoPeople
Hey, Pittsburgh drivers, last time I checked, there’s a law that states you must clear off all snow and ice from your vehicle. I’m already sick of being stuck behind a stream of snow flying off your roof and we’ve only had legitimate snowfall for one day. If you can’t reach your roof, get a smaller car. #ClearlyYoureOvercompensatingForSomething #YoureNotFoolingAnyone
While we’re on the subject of driving in the snow… It is absolutely 100% necessary to use caution when driving in the snow. It is not necessary, though, to drive 20 MPH in the fast lane when there is no one in front of you for miles and the roads have been cleared. If everyone else can keep up with a moderate speed, you can, too. #YourCarIsntSpecial #IPromseYouCanDriveFaster #IJustWannaGetHome
Is there anything more disappointing than thinking about dinner all day long only to realize that you don’t have a key ingredient? I was so focused on making some yummy guac or avocado toast or something with an avocado the other day and when I got home, I realized it had gone bad already. #TheWorst #WhyAvocadoWhyyyy