Guys, I feel like every week I sit here and go “ugh, this has been such a hard week,” but this was another hard week. I was texted on Monday saying that the real estate agent wants my father’s house to be ready to put on the market by the end of the month” and it just started things off on the wrong foot. I’ll save that story for another day. But suffice to say this week has been another week where I just want to stick my head in the sand and pretend like this didn’t happen.
You feel me?
I feel like a lot of things right now are in progress with very little completing happening. I need to start getting back into my to-do list making game. When I feel like I’m floundering and don’t have direction, a to-do list always helps to clarify what needs to happen and allows me to prioritize.
My father is still in the hospital, but now it’s a rehab hospital. It’s a step up. (Thank you to everyone who’s taken the time to comment with well-wishes. It means a lot.)
Gonna toot my own horn here – I’m applauding myself for making my work week rock. We have a function on our website where visitors can chat with a Marketing Consultant for help – LiveChat. It isn’t my favorite thing, but I sucked it up and had it turned on for my computer for most of the week. I started to look at my ratings toward the end and it seemed like I did a good job.
I don’t know about you, but I’m learning that it’s important to recognize the good things I do (not to be cynical here, but if I don’t, who will). This month’s Local Levo meeting is an article club (like a low-commitment book club) and one of the articles is about how to share accomplishments with co-workers. It’s some good food for thought.
I’ve been trying to write down three things that I’m grateful for every night before bed. It doesn’t always happen, but I’m trying to repeat that as much as possible.
Trying to look at March and April and think about Levo events and blog posts, packing dates and fun time. I love having plans, but I’m not gonna lie, I’d love one more snow day with no obligations to do anything.