There are some deep thoughts today for Blogger, May I. The topic: How do you define beauty?
Damn that is quite a question. For a long time, I wouldn’t have been able to honestly answer that I think that there is beauty in me. I always felt like there was something “messed up” – how I was raised, what I thought of myself. Stupid teenage stuff, y’know?
I think beauty goes further than the surface. You can be conventionally attractive on the outside, but if the insides are mean-spirited, unkind, or downright ugly, there’s a loss of beauty for sure.
I guess defining beauty for me is more of a mindset that an outward physical characteristic. When you own how you are, and you’re not being afraid to take risks and learn from them, there is beauty. Experiment, have confidence.
It’s a short answer, but sometimes you don’t need many words.
How do you define beauty?