Faith. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. An entire morning of journaling was devoted to it. It’s a tricky subject because everyone has their own definition of it. And everyone has their own idea of what it entails. But we all have an idea of it and can probably generally agree on a definition, though how it manifests itself is a mystery and as unique as the person embodying the idea.
You can’t hold it, but you can feel it. You can’t see it, but you can tell when it’s there. You trust your intuition and what others tell you and accept there’s this concept out there keeping you hopeful and moving forward.
Think about it, all the “faith” phrases are hopeful: in good faith, a leap of faith, keeping the faith. There’s still that element of not knowing the outcome, but you trust and proceed anyway.
It seems like the people who have unconditional faith, that there is something good out there guiding us and making sure no harm befalls us, do the most good and have a more positive path to walk.
They don’t seem to be worried because they give their troubles to someone else. It isn’t that they just hand all their worries over to the Universe and say, “Okay, your move,” it’s just the opposite. Those people are doing more with their lives. They’re living bigger and pushing further. They trust in their belief so much, they can make bold moves.
Notice I’ve been using the third person. I’ve been struggling with faith. I’ll have a day when I try to be open and accept graciously what comes to me. And other days I completely shut down and throw myself into a loop of extreme doubt in everything I’ve believed. Clearly something is out of alignment. In the meantime, faith is something to hold on to a bit stronger.