Today’s post is brought to you by #HashtagHumpday and some genuinely annoying kids from last week.
So the other day I was at Starbucks with Jonathan. There was a small child to my left with his parent and a woman to my right (by herself). #WhoBuysTheirFiveYearOldAnythingFromStarbucks?
I went to put my cup down in between the two so I could get some milk. I set my cup down, took the lid off, and the kid (#ClearlyNotPayingAttentionToTheWorld) bumped me so my coffee spilled all over my hand and the counter.
This is the best part. Are you ready for it? #WaitForIt
The father looked at the kid, looked at me, and said, “Okay, let’s go now.” #AreYouKiddingMe?!
I am so sick of this self-centric culture we are living in. I understand that a small child my not know what he’s doing or be paying attention to the world around him, but the job of the parent is to teach your child to pay attention to the world around him.
Something similar happened later that day. We were leaving an area where there were many kids (and parental supervisors) were putting on socks and shoes. And the kids were just sitting in the middle of the walkway area.
Are you surprised that these people aren’t watching out for their kids? If I tripped and hurt one of their kids, it would be my fault instead of the parents for not keeping them safely out of the way of a busy area.
Seems like they could be a little more concerned for their kids’ well being here, don’t you? If the job of the parent in example one is to teach their child to pay attention, it seems like the lesson here is to pay attention to the safety of your kids.
I was lucky to have parents that didn’t raise me to be a self-centered brat. If I stopped in the middle of an entryway, I was told to move. If I bumped in to someone, I was told to excuse myself. If I was walking in a public area, I stayed to the right rather than taking up an entire hallway.
It is absolutely mind blowing to me that some people are so passive with their children. They are shaping minds. Minds that we all have to live with. It would be a much nicer place to live if we were considerate of others. And we could teach that to the future generations.
Sure, I understand that we all have to watch out for ourselves. If we don’t have our best interest in mind, who will? I get that. But there’s nothing wrong with being polite and saying excuse me.
I just can’t believe that someone would basically allow their children to spill coffee all over someone and then #WALKAWAY?!?
Maybe I’m getting older and a few years ago this wouldn’t have bothered me. Or maybe this egotistical attitude is compounding more and more. Whatever it is, I’m tired of it.
All I know is that this wouldn’t have been such a problem when I was younger. It definitely wouldn’t have been a problem when my parents were younger. Going back even further, still not a problem. Where do you think we learned how to be polite? #DingDinDinggg: from our parents.
I’d love to just sit down in the middle of the floor and refuse to move, but life isn’t that way. We all have to get a long with each other, so can’t we make it a little easier on ourselves?
So that was my rant for this week. What about you?
I’m linking up with Life With Lolo and Genuinely Lauren to air some grievances for #HashtagHumpday.