This weekend has slightly been a Murphy’s Law weekend. It was nice, but not what I thought it would be, which is okay. Then Monday rolled around and it was like, please just get it over with.
I went to work, went to the hospital, then came home and said I’d run just three miles but went for five. Then I read (a long overdue task) Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before in the tub. It was relaxing and soothed my muscles. It seemed like the day was going to end on a high note.
It didn’t.
After I managed not to drop my phone in an entire tub of water, I went to the kitchen for a drink of water. I reached across the sink with my phone in my hand, completely forgetting it was there. It slipped and went for a quick dip in a shallow pan of water I had sitting in the sink.
Never in my 10 years of owning a cell phone has this ever happened. Like, ever.
I could see a few screens overlapping (like I could see Instagram faintly in the background of the home screen). The buttons seemed to be working but the touchscreen wasn’t. And then it started to get faint lines in it.
At this point, I was semi-panicking. But I’ve seen enough pins on Pinterest to know that you should put your phone in a bag of rice (not enriched!) to dry it out. So into a bag of rice it went.
Then I pulled out my laptop and went a little crazy searching for “Will my life ever be the same now that I am the kind of person who drops my phone in water?!”
What I have learned (aside from “be careful around water” and “I have at least three tampons in every purse I own but absolutely no silica packets”) is this:
The universe has crazy ways of telling you to chill out. Maybe it was telling me to unplug. Maybe it was telling me to get off the phone. Maybe it was telling me to focus on myself and not be so readily available for everyone.
Maybe it was me just being stupid. Maybe I need to learn more patience (as if I’m not learning it enough at work).
Maybe it was telling me to stop saying, “If only I had done X, then Y wouldn’t have happened.” If only I had done the dishes, then I wouldn’t have a pan and water in the sink.
Or maybe, just maybe, the universe isn’t telling me anything. Maybe it just happened. And that’s a lesson in and of itself.
This was a crazy-cruel detox, though. Even though I can do everything I do on the computer (including using iMessage and Google Hangouts to communicate), I’m so used to having my phone around me.
If I need to fill in a spare minute while waiting for a file to download, I’m on Instagram. I habitually tap the home button to see if anyone texted me while I was looking away. Gee, I wonder what’s happening on Twitter? Let me look.
As I’m writing this, I’ve gone 24 hours without it and I hate not being able to text Jonathan like normal. Using Google Hangouts is great because I can still hear from him, but I feel so immature, like I’m on AIM messaging my crush. Ugh.
And what if I want to call my mom and not be chained to the landline with the cord. I don’t even know if I have long distance calling.
I don’t even know if a run counts if I don’t log it with RunKepper.
And how many steps did I take yesterday? I can’t tell without syncing my UP!
First world problems. I know. I’m going crazy and need a fix. I hope it’s dry soon. I don’t want to rush it but, guys, I need a hit.