No lie, this prompt for The Makeup Mix-Up is terrifying to me. I don’t do my brows. I barely remember to pluck them. Excuse me..tweeze. A friend’s mom corrected me ages ago by saying, “You pluck a chicken but you tweeze your eyebrows,” and that’s all I think of when I think of anything involving eyebrows.
Anyone else know what I’m talking about one day you go to bed and your brows are looking pretty good. They may be a little rough, but they’re passable. And then next morning you look in the mirror like, “Where the hell did this cavewoman come from??” That’s me and my eyebrows. One day they’re fine, the next is just like BAM hot mess.
Like everything in my life.
I’ve had my fair share of brow drama. I even shared one of the more horrifying stories with you earlier this year. So I try to keep it to the minimum. I’m lucky to have thick, dark Italian brows so filling them in daily feels unnecessary.
I guess how some people would feel about dark lipstick is how I feel about doing my brows. I don’t know how to do it or really want to. And it’s scary.
I did feel vindicated when I purchased the NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder and the girl at Ulta said it was the best drugstore version she’s tried. I’m not gonna lie, in person, I feel ridiculous with these filled-in brows, but they look great on camera. Very polished and professional.
Instead of going through the list of face stuff used, I’m just going to stick to the eyes. Products used:
- Urban Decay Naked 3 shadow palette
- NYC New York Color Angel Lash Mascara
- NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder in Brunette
- Sumita Color Contrast Eye Pencil in Raina
Maybe I’ll try to be more comfortable with the brow stuff. I prefer a pencil to gentle shade in, but the powder version isn’t bad. And what’s the story with the wax that comes in every brow kit? I’m not detailing a car here.
When it comes to brows, do you use a pencil, powder, or go au naturel?