This week’s themes: Completing, Visiting, Repeating, Writing, Scheduling
**I totally slacked off yesterday and decided to fall asleep on the couch for most of the day instead of post this on Sunday. So we’re doing Monday Lately.
Awkward: I’m just now getting around to completing my Holiday Council sheets (that have sat untouched since the beginning of the month).
Awesome: Blogging discussions with my Pittsburgh girls Marissa and Kristin are amazing. And they’re going to force me to complete my goals.
Awkward: On Saturday, Katy and I went to a beer festival. It was fantastic. Why is it in the awkward category? Because of my terrible white girl dancing. Katy is smooth. I am not. But we did have people comment on our moves. Hey, if you play music, expect tipsy girls to dance.
Awesome: We also went to the Andy Warhol Museum and it was fantastic to walk around and make fun of art. Listen, I love Andy, but some of his art just looks like he got bored halfway through and walked away from the project. Although that’s an interesting life lesson…
Awkward: Lists on lists on lists. They keep me organized and sane, but I start to write them on a pad at work, then in my planner, then on another page in my planner. I know I could use an app on my phone, but physically writing something makes me remember it more.
Awesome: How excited I am to read Kayla Hollatz’s Brave Little Bones. Many thanks to Marissa for this one!
Awkward: Sunday Lately on Monday morning at work…that’s what I’m writing. Sorry guys.
Awesome: Hey at least I’m not skipping it!
Awkward & Awesome: So I have two different planners and I’m writing in both of them and I’m quickly realizing that I’m using The Happy Planner more than my Moleskine planner I purchased (to carry daily since it’s smaller than The Happy Planner). I love that I’m using THP more than I thought I would, but I can’t give up my Moleskine planners. Plus, it has Snoopy on it.