This week’s themes: Updating, Remembering, Needing, Wearing, Being
Awkward: I killed most of my houseplants because I left them outside too long and they got frostbitten. I went to Lowes to replace them and couldn’t find any. Sad face.
Awesome: I did find some other air purifying plants and a poor orphaned clearance succulent for $1.00. They’re all repotted along with some surviving houseplants I’m trying to rehab and doing well.
Awkward: I don’t think I have anything awkward to remember today. Yay!
Awesome: How awesome it is to has fresh blueberry muffins in the morning. I love blueberry muffins. I used this fantastic recipe from Averie Cooks. It’s a skinny recipe so it isn’t as crumbly and sweet as a traditional bakery blueberry muffin, but it still tastes great.
Awkward: I still have my Christmas decorations up. And they really need to come down. But it’s such a pain in the ass. I have to get the boxes out. I have to put things in the boxes, I have to try to puzzle-piece them back inside their bigger storage box. I’d rather just watch Netflix.
Awesome: I rearranged some art and made some new things to use on my gallery wall sections. If you need to refresh a space, try moving around art.
Awkward: The weather on Saturday was bananas-level warm. I started out with my winter coat and scarf and by the end of my errand session, it was all off. It was freezing just the day before. What is happening with this weather??
Awesome: I didn’t need to bundle up in a heavy winter coat, so I call that a win.
Awkward & Awesome – that’s my answer. I’m being awkward and awesome.
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