Let there be sun! Finally, the weather is turning the corner and it doesn’t feel so depressing anymore. I’m not going to lie, I’d still like the solid excuse a snowstorm gives you for sitting around inside all day not doing anything. BUT I have tons to do and I’m digging the above-30 degree weather.
I’ve been trying not to plan things out and go with the flow a little bit more, but it’s competing with who I am. I am a planner. I plan things. I like to know what I have to do and how long I have to do it. That said, if I’m having a relaxing weekend day with Jonathan, I just need to know when it’s going to start and have a general idea of what will happen.
That said, if it’s a work day and I have tasks to do after work, I need to list them all out. The long and short of this is that I need to start planning again. Time to break out my trusty Moleskine planner that I made for myself this year!
The “Upper Strip Amble” that Jonathan and I did on Wednesday. Wigle Whiskey organized it, so you started at their distillery with a complimentary cocktail (I had a Nimbus made with local coffee-flavored yogurt and vanilla mole and it was like drinking delicious, boozy, melted ice cream and a I-Can’t-Remember-The-Clever-Cloud-Name but it had ginger beer and was like a Dark & Stormy).
Then you moved to appetizers and more drinks at Savoy (I skipped the drink as I already had two). I hate to say it, I wasn’t impressed with the service – the bartender totally forgot about us! And we were sitting in the middle of the bar. The quesadilla was tasty, but it was also 7pm and I was starving, so anything would be good.
And you ended at Klavon’s, an old-fashioned ice cream shop, with Wigle-infused milkshakes made with….Penn State Creamery Ice Cream. My favorite.
Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum. I’ll be sharing a review next Friday. It’s a little…darker..than I thought it would be.
For a burger, wings, and/or Chinese. Oh, and maybe a pizza! I didn’t go grocery shopping this week and I had a lot of after-work events, so I haven’t really been cooking a lot at home and I’m going nuts with my food desires.
Slightly stuck. I’ve been looking at some new blog themes that I like, but I don’t want to give up on this one. I know I can modify the CSS, but I can’t figure out how to modify the big thing I want to change. I’d like the content width to be wider than it is and no one has guides for changing that. Color? Sure. Padding? You bet. Content width? Nada.
I have cute new photos and patterns and ideas I want to implement but I don’t want to do it and then have to re-do it all over again with a new theme. #FirstWorldBloggingProblems #AmIRight?
Shameless plus: take a look at what I’ve been writing this week, especially about Dessange hair care (free from Influenster) and the Creative Soul Connection Weeknight Retreat!
What have you been up to lately?