Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe, which is fearlessly led by Katy (Wild and Wanderful) and myself. We e-hangout every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the past week of life in our own worlds. We’d love if you could join us!
This week’s themes: Picking, Telling, Debating, Mixing, Humming.
Okay, so I somehow am already behind on this year and it’s just barely started! I hope you enjoyed your holidays. I was driving around like the kid in the Family Circus cartoon (you know, with the dotted lines going all over?) and definitely didn’t get to power down like I wanted to last week. So I’m doing it this week. My life, my business, my rules, right?
I have yet to settle on my official planning system for 2017, but I do have a planner picked out. It’s a simple paper planner that will house my appointments and dates to remember. I think I’m going to use an Arc system notebook to plan all bloggy things for here and and a Happy Planner to scrapbook daily memories so it looks pretty (I know they’re doing this big #functionalhappyplanning push on Instagram, but seriously, if I’m spending all that money and they’ve designed it so pretty, I don’t want it to be a mess of cross-outs and Sharpie markers). I have a mini and a classic size thanks to insane deals at Michael’s, so I haven’t decided which will be used. So we’ll see.
I am telling myself this week is a week “off” or as close to “off” as I can get, once I catch up on tasks from last week. My mom will be in town this weekend and all of next week; I’m trying very hard to wind down this week so I can clean up and relax a little before she gets here. I’m always a crazy woman when she’s in town, seriously cleaning every inch of my house that I can reach, and I want to have a quiet moment first.
A massage. I mean, a massage is always a good idea. But I’m debating if it’s a good idea right now. I guess I can schedule it now for mid/late-week and use that as motivation and a reward to get things done sooner rather than later.
I’m mixing up the furniture in my house. One of my favorite things is to move furniture. It makes everything feel fresh and new, even if it’s still the old hand-me-down stuff you’ve had for ever and ever. The other day instead of writing, I re-arranged my office and it’s so much more productive for me. I used to face the wall, but I turned my desk so I can see my room and my calendar. Keeps me on track. I can’t wait for the day I accidentally knock my Post-It pile/pen box off the back of the desk and all over the room, though….
I watched the Lego movie the other night and I just got that everything is awesome song out of my head. And now it’s back in because I wrote this.
Here’s to a fantastic and fresh new year! I know Katy and I have a LOT of fun stuff planned for the Blogger Tribe and I have a lot I want to do with this space and Keep an eye out for that!
What have you been up to lately? Link up and share!