Today’s post is going to be nice and short to make up for yesterday’s sprawling post. To be a good quote, I think it has to be short, simple, impactful, and incredibly direct..everything this sentence is not. To be a favorite quote, it has to carry power and meaning to the reader / person whose quote is their favorite.
Last month, I really wanted to share Baron Batch‘s line, “Be aware when your time is up,” because it was perfect for the day I shared it. While I absolutely love that saying, another quote that I always come back to this one by Abraham Lincoln:
Whatever you are, be a good one.
I always liked that saying from Abraham Lincoln. Whatever you want to be, just make sure you’re really damn good at it.
It’s like what I heard Jenny Blake say during my Nicole Antoinette No BS Lab podcast binge. She wrote a post about having a life purpose. She says if you need a life purpose, take this one: Be as helpful as you can to as many people as you can.
Jenny is just about echoing Lincoln here. Whatever you choose to do with your day, make sure it’s done to the best of your abilities. However you choose to make yourself useful, be really useful.
Spread this around as far as you can, so long as it’s still doing good for someone else.
Just don’t spread it too thin. If it’s too thin, it doesn’t do anyone any favors. And when you get to the point where you’re sacrificing your doing good in the name of profitability, that’s when you need to turn back around and remember where you started. That’s a very Dale Partridge thing to say, but I’ll get there later.
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