I had this Currently card all written out last Saturday in preparation of posting this the following week and then I realized I was no where near the end of the month. But now it’s the end of the month and I’m all like, where did the month go? It’s amazing the difference a week makes.
Parks and Rec. Netflix has treated me so well. I always magically find the glory of a show on the final season, though, which then always makes me sad. The Office, HIMYM, Parks and Rec, 30 Rock.
“Dearie […]” still. It’s a long book with big pages and tiny writing, okay? I’m looking forward to finishing a Jimmy Stewart biography when I’m done with this. Then I’ll move on to “Appetite for Life” by Noel Riley Fitch, another Julia biography.
Background TV noise. Nothing even memorable.
A mess of the kitchen. The floor at my father’s house is being replaced and with the help of Jonathan, it was easier than planned, but it’s still a mess. Then I decided to make cookies and got flour everywhere.
Stuffy. Cold suck. These five things make winter suck less, but winter is still a bitch.
First solo Levo event, which actually already happened. I’ve mentioned it before, but it was great. I’ll have to write a recap of what happened. Inna from Hey What’s Next lead us through some great exercises. I thought my word / intention for 2015 would be FOCUS but after that night, I changed it to CONNECT. It feels much better.
Being Gardening In High Heels. SynEr was great (and still my personal Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest/Etc) but I like having a clear focus and a dedicated idea of what I’m doing here.