Follow the fun. It’s a phrase my business coach says often. And not in a way like @mybizcoachsays, not a sarcastic / “Ugh, of course that would happen” kind of way.
No, she says it in a truly guiding capacity.
Follow the fun.
Here’s the thing… Blogging started to suck with the rise of Pinterest. For folks who liked to write just to write (ahem, hello, it me) the “need” to have a perfect on-brand post and picture and experience and email opt-in and lead magnet and.. You get the idea. Blogging was no longer “publish words in a format that allows other to connect with you.” Blogging was a machine. Still is.
But what about those people who like to write, but didn’t necessarily love the other stuff? I tried to love the other stuff. In fact, I got quite good at it. But eventually, it wasn’t fun anymore. It was something I had to do because I liked the writing and connecting part.
There was such a big part of me that missed blogging to write and connect, though, and I decided to use my theme this year (“LIGHT” if you’re wondering) and the guiding principles of spreading light, being light from within, and replenishing light, and the idea of following the fun, to dust off blogging for blogging sake.
Make it fun again. Write what feels good in my heart to write. I know the “riches are in the niches” and for that, I have my business blog. This, on the other hand, can be for fun.
So here we are. The beginning of 2020. The first post in literally years that I wrote because I wanted to. The first post that wasn’t planned, doesn’t have a CTA, that’s devoid of a branded Pinterest-style image.
Just real stories, real thoughts, real observations, real pondering.