There are so many great people out there in the world who deserve to be recognized. They don’t do things for accolades, awards, money. They do it because they know they have to. Or they want to. There is no outside pressure on these heroes; they have a pretty strong moral compass and operate in there.
This post is dedicated to any hero who needs a little kudos. The hero who…
- Stops at stop signs. #DontDoTheCaliforniaRoll #AndPutYourPhoneDown
- Mows three lawns in the neighborhood just to be helpful. #ThankYouKarmaForThisOne
- Helps out a neighbor when someone runs over their mailbox. #ThereAreSkidMarksOnTheDriveway #HowDrunkWereYou #OnSundayMorning
- Tears out a board on the deck and manages to replace it even though I purchased it a foot too short. #IKnewIShouldHaveSaidEightFeet #MeasureOnceCutTwice
- Flourishes in customer service. #BlessYourHeartImNotThatPatient
- Takes a little blog and turns it into something awesome. #TellMeYourSecretsPlease
- Manages to keep their tupperware lids and bottoms together. #WhereDoTheyAllGo
- Lets the world see that they are real and not Pinterest-perfect all the time. #RealBloggersLiveInTheRealWorld
Who is your hero?
I’m linking up with Life With Lolo for Hashtag Humpday and….myself, Katy, and Meghan for Be a Better Blogger!