As you’re reading this, I’m out on the mean streets of Pittsburgh running for my life. Okay, just running. It’s Marathon Day! Let me say in advance how excited I am to be running with Jonathan for a second year and for the post-race Bloody Mary at Wigle Whiskey. I may be more excited for that.
Nothing like a little alcohol and spice after putting your body through a great strain.
On how amazing Lush products are. I ended up treating myself to a shampoo bar at Lush when I went to pick up a present for a mama-to-be. I love the scent (it’s lemony!) and I also walked out with a sample of the R&B Hair Moisturizer. Now that scent is amazeballs and a half. It’s this beautiful citrus and jasmine scent that sticks around all day. I wake up the next morning and don’t want to wash my hair because it still smells so good. I will cry when the sample runs out because it’s $22. Why are Lush products ridic. expensive?
I feel like I’m still picking up a lot of slack for everyone. It’s especially frustrating at work. We’re now being graded on our job, which is nice to have solid numbers showing performance of everyone, but so much of what I do is dependent upon others.
For example: If I call someone for a scheduled appointment, I can only hope they remember we were talking. Half the time, someone else tells me, “Oh, Susan isn’t available today. Try again later.” That now is a strike against me. I can’t control what someone else does, so I’m a little worried about how this will pan out.
The prompts for this week. I know the last time this prompt came up, I said it too. But srsly. My brain has so much in it, five random words just do not stick.
I’m also forgetting to return emails until it’s like, 10pm and I’m in bed running through a list of everything I wanted to do for the day and making sure it matched up with what I got done. Does anyone have inbox management tips?
I’ve made a weird switch when it comes to nail polish. I always used to wear polish on my nails. It helped that I worked at a spa and when it was quiet, I would just paint my nails. I had a lot of downtime back then. Now, it doesn’t happen near as often. I don’t get home until later and I hate painting my nails at night because you get those awful sheet marks. Sometimes that happens even if I paint my nails in the morning and 12+ hours go by. So many girl problems.
On adrenaline to carry me through this marathon. I prepared as best I could, given what was happening this winter/spring. With the goal of “Sell this house in a month!” and Mother Nature raining down her cold, frosty disapproval over us, it didn’t leave much time to run outside.
I do feel eerily calm about it all, though, so I’m assuming that’s a good sign.