If last week’s discovery that shopping on Saturday morning isn’t met with much terror, let me be the 500,000,000th person to tell you do not (I repeat, do not under any circumstances) go to Giant Eagle on Monday after work.
No good can come from it.
Picture me saying that like Carrie Bradshaw in the “The Post-It Always Sticks Twice” episode of SATC when she’s talking about men.
There are still some things left over from last week’s trip and I only needed a few things, mostly just part-skim ricotta cheese for these lemon chia muffins that I adore from Table for Two. I thought I would be in and out.
Insert frazzled-looking animal meme saying, “Only needs one item, she said. It’ll be a breeze, she said.”
I ended up grabbing a few other things: bananas so I can let them go bad and make Emily’s banana bread, eggs because I use them in waves and I’m currently in a high-egg-volume time, mango, and the best yogurt known to man AKA Liberte.
That was my splurge for the week (and it was on sale). Seriously, if you haven’t tried Liberte yogurt, you do not know what you’re missing out on. It’s almost as delicious as ice cream and a serious afternoon pick-me-up.
So this week, I spent a grand total of $14.49 out of $50 for Project:Food Budget 2015.
It’s almost not even worth mentioning because it wasn’t even a “real” shopping trip.
Up on the menu this week will be salmon burgers from the freezer, chicken tacos from today’s left overs, pork stir fry from left overs, and a dinner mooched off of my father that will no doubt result in more left overs.
Thus wraps up the month where I only wrote about grocery shopping. While you’re anxiously awaiting me to return to a more regular schedule, check out these budgeting beauties: Emily Levenson / McGinnis and Bean / Rainaldi.org / Red Pen Mama / Erra Creations / Seeking White Space / facepalmmama / Gardening in High Heels / Melissa Firman / Copy & Post / Shea Lennon / Warm as Pie / Two Eggs Over Easy