![Sunday Lately is a weekly link up brought to you by the Blogger Tribe. Link up and see what's been happening lately!](http://gardeninginhighheels.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/sundaylately-620x620.png)
This week’s themes: Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting, Craving
The other day, I decided to tear my office apart and rearrange it. I call it procrastidecorating. It’s my favorite, after procaffeinating and procrastibaking. So I decided to create new landing places for to-do lists and art prints with some old, ugly-ass clip boards because really, I could not just donate them or throw them away. I mean, not when I had spray paint burning a hole in my garage! (*Not literally. That would be terrifying.)
A little taste of the before and after..
Finally (finally) I’m finding my groove again. I blame part of it on the medication I’m taking, but I also was in a super-funky, dark mood and it sucked. I have to say, even though working for and by myself has been a challenge (I really do like people–and talking to people–despite my best efforts to fool y’all), I’m so glad I escaped my office job when I did. I was miserable with a capital I Will Cut Your Face Off If You Look At Me The Wrong Way.
I am switching back to good coffee. I tried coffee from Aldi (it was the dark roast if you’re wondering) and my god. Did. It. Suck. It was made slightly better with the use of a French press, but ain’t nobody got time for that. Gotta wait for water to boil and shit. No. I’m like Lorelai Gilmore. I need it strong, I need it good, I need it now.
Number 4 was basically me when I tried that mud that Aldi packaged and sold for $3.50. Thank you, BuzzFeed, for the Lorelai gifs.
The WB / CW / Via goldenstories.tumblr.com / Buzzfeed
I am a hard-core summer person. I love summer. I claw at it for as long as I can. I wear bright nail polish and sandals way past the fashionally acceptable time. However, we’ve had a few days of cooler weather here (read: not suffocatingly humid) and I forgot how nice it is to stand outside and not begin to sweat immediately. I swear, I have purchased so much deodorant this summer, Dove and Secret need to give me a kick-back. #ItalianProblems
All. The. Things. Here’s what’s happening. In an effort to save money, I have been trying to work from home without as many frequent trips to coffee shops/bars to work. And every day, the siren song of the Oreos in my cabinet grows louder and louder. Same with the chips. And the chocolate. Basically anything that isn’t healthy (although since I treated my body like a garbage can last weekend, I did eat a salad the size of a mixing bowl in an effort to make my body like me again.) I even went so far as to buy a grapefruit in the hopes that I would eat it and magically want fruit. Guess what? Grapefruit sucks. I’m sorry for anyone that likes it, but blech..!
What have you been up to lately? Link up with us and share!
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