This week’s themes: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling
This was a totally dead week for me. Aside from a few things, nothing was planned. I notice that I get really squirrely when that happens. Like, I need plans to feel like I’m doing something worthwhile and being a contributing factor to society.
Pilates! I honestly never thought I’d say that because I was always more of a yoga person. I wasn’t into that whole “Hold a crunch and do other with your arms and legs for 5 minutes” thing. But I’m working on it. I can feel myself getting stronger, which is awesome.
I finished up Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and I’m slowly getting into Gifts of Imperfection, but I borrowed 700 Sundays by Billy Crystal from my dad at least a year ago and I have yet to crack the spine and it’s just sitting there begging me to read it.
I am so wishing I switched to Squarespace earlier. I was absolutely hating my other site on WordPress to the point where I didn’t want to tell people about it because I was that embarrassed by it. But when you kind of need to tell people about what you do so you can eat and pay rent, being embarrassed by whatcha got isn’t the best strategy. Shocking, I know.
Let me illustrate how much I love the new site on SS: 24 hours after I started it, I remapped AngelicaRoss.co to point there, even though it was still being worked on. I like it that much that I’m totally cool with people seeing it while I’m still adding to it because it finally looks sooo much better.
I’m still feeling in a funk, but it’s getting better. It really helps when you just own up to what’s right, wrong, and totally icky. Of course, I don’t want to just emotionally vomit all over everyone, but keeping things holed up really isn’t good. Wondering what I’m talking about? This will clear it up.
What have you been up to lately? Link up with us and share!