This week’s themes: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling
Awkward: I thought my garden plan was solid, but something keeps eating the leaves off of certain plants. My eggplant was eaten and now it’s coming back. My broccoli and Brussels sprouts are all gone and part of an heirloom tomato is gone too. Stupid whatever is eating them.
Awesome: I’m planning my last day at work on Tuesday. That’s pretty awesome. I’ll be focusing full time on my content management and copywriting services. Yay!
Awkward: I’m loving the birds that have been roosting on my windowsills. Not. My windows are split down the center and crank outward, so these birds are getting in enough to sit themselves down, then when I try to get them off the ledge, they can’t get themselves out. Ugh!
Awesome: I’ve been re-watching The Office, spending time organizing my house, and trying to keep up with my Happy Planner decorating. And it’s been awesome.
Awkward: I haven’t read anything since I had time off for my tonsillectomy.
Awesome: When I was off for my tonsillectomy, I read four books in five or six days: Yes Please, The Amateur’s Guide to the Pursuit of Happiness, Choose Yourself, and Orange is the New Black.
Awkward: I can’t say I’ve been wishing for anything awkward recently.
Awesome: I can’t wait for Wednesday to get here. It’s the beginning of something new and I can’t wait.
Awkward: I haven’t really done much exercise since my tonsillectomy unless you count endless hours of pulling weeds and I’m starting to feel meh. I need to get back into it big time.
Awesome: I kept the air conditioning on yesterday and it felt pretty damn good. I’ve been trying to keep costs low so I haven’t been running it. #cheap
What have you been up to lately? Link up with us and share!