This week’s themes: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling
Awkward: A tonsillectomy. Ugh I don’t want to do this. But I have to. I snore like a lumberjack. And I want to reduce my chance of future sinus infections and subsequent bouts of vertigo.
Awesome: My mom will be here to help out while I recover. And I traveled to see her for Mother’s Day (hence why this wasn’t written on Sunday).
Awkward: Is it weird that I like grocery shopping? Well I do. And I went to the store for the first time in weeks. It’s amazing how having groceries in your fridge makes you feel like an adult again.
Awesome: I went for a run today. It was the first one after the marathon. It was hot. It was super humid. I was sweating like a truck driver in August. But I did it and it was good.
Awesome: Orange is the New Black. Yes, kids, it was a memoir first.
Awkward: My aunt passed that book along to me. And there’s some racy stuff there. It’s always weird to think that a family member read that before you.
Awkward: I got nothing here, guys.
Awesome: For summer. Because summer parties are the best.
Awkward: I’ve been battling with some depressive tendencies and I’m finally admitting it to myself and seeing what I need to do to stop this. I’m sure you can’t tell because I’m always a ray of sunshine on here (insert eye roll emoji here).
Awesome: Now that I know that things aren’t right, I’m working to identify what’s wrong and how I can get myself back on a healthy and happy track.