This week was kind of crazy. I had my first solo Local Levo event (if you’re in Pittsburgh, please join us in Feb at Wigle Whiskey!), I feel like I worked it really hard at work, and Jonathan and I are going on Day 2 of burger eating. Yesterday was Bubba’s after the Beer Blizzard and today is Steer and Wheel food truck during Weather Permitting. They have my absolute favoritest fries in the city.
Still updating this little bloggy space of mine. I love how these prompts let me remind you so much that things are still a-changing around here. I’m okay with that!
..Myself not to get wrapped up in things I cannot control. So much of my job is apologizing to people because something didn’t work correctly. Not that I did anything wrong, but empathy is the first step in disarming an angry person. Mix that with my knee-jerk reaction of apologizing for stuff in my personal life and I’ve got a sure-fire way to think that everything is my fault.
Furniture! I have a bunch of hand-me-down stuff and it works but it is only comfortable really just for me. I can’t host people for long periods of time without being embarrassed that my living room furniture consists of an old armchair and ottoman slip-covered in sheets from Target and a papasan chair that really belongs outside.
..Coworkers with my responses to emails we all get. For example: when someone sends a message in all caps, I’m that person emailing the department, “OKAY, I’LL ANSWER THIS ONE.” Always good for a chuckle.
Just being. As in reminding, I just need to be and I’m not. I should schedule massages for myself more often so I can “just be.”