I wonder if I’ll ever start a Sunday Lately post with, “Dang that was a perfect week,” because this week felt like it took forever but then also felt like I didn’t have time to do half of what I wanted to do. Y’know, story of my life. I swear, it isn’t for lack of trying!
Summer! It’s finally warm in Pittsburgh. I hope we have a “spring” this year with cooler mornings/evenings and warmer days before endless humidity hits. Also looking forward to a weekend away next week.
Having a plan. I seriously feel so much better when there aren’t many variables bumping around. I dislike not knowing what’s going to happen next. I’ve mentioned that my father was selling his house and it seems like it isn’t quite so “holy shiz, this is what’s happening and it has to happen yesterday.” That is great to know.
Still reading Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before. I’m sorry, Birchbloggers, when I finally get to read at night, I make it a page before I fall asleep! Then I have to more on to more Julia Child biographies and books I’ve been loaned that need to be reunited with their long-lost owners.
To see my mom. It’s been since Thanksgiving. We haven’t gone this long without seeing each other…ever. At this time last year, I had already driven down to Virginia twice. This whole “full time job” thing is just crampin’ my style, man.
FeelingSo happy that snow is gone. Calm and confident about the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in exactly two weeks. Excited to take a weekend trip this Saturday and Sunday.PS: if you’re interested in running, I’ve been writing a lot about it here and here.What’s been happening with you lately?