Remember that episode of The Office when Andy tries out for America’s Next A Cappella Sensation and he ends up sitting down and whining, “Oh I can so just sit here and cry!” Yeah, I kinda feel like that today.
I just wanna sit here and cry.
I’ve been blocked and stuck and sick to boot, which doesn’t help to get me in a good, creative, let’s go kick some ass mindset at all.
I can’t decide where I want to be personally or professionally. I don’t know where I’ll be physically in a month, so it’s hard to get my mind to agree to staying in one place long enough to focus on what I want to do in the future. Or to make up its mind about what to have for dinner tonight. Or where to put that shelf because, oh hell, will I even have this wall in a month. Does that make sense?
It feels like I’m just staying in one place while the world acts upon me instead of me going out and making things happen. I understand that life has cycles and this is just a low cycle for me. We all have them. Instead of fighting it and trying to struggle against the tide, I’m just going to embrace it and ride it out.
So, no uplifting positive message, just writing what’s real for me right now. Like I said yesterday, I’m trying to be comfortable with vulnerable stuff and for me, that means sharing the good and bad with you guys.
If you do want a positive, uplifting message, I wrote all about where I turn when things get messy.