I’m not one to cut corners, but if I had to, I’d totally use superpowers to cut down on some tasks that I’m not a fan of. I guess you could say that my superpower would be to make errands and stupid-but-necessary tasks to do themselves. Get ready for the second-t0-last day of Blogger, May I, if I had a super power…
If I had a super power…
- All coupons would cut and sort themselves
- The garbage would walk itself out on Tuesday night
- Traffic would part before my car
- My charging cables would all be in easy reach
- My craft supplies would organize themselves (I actually kind of like organizing, but only if I have furniture in my office, which I don’t right now.)
- Bills would put themselves into the bill binder
- Blog images would edit and alt-text themselves
- Meal plans would make themselves (but I’ll have to get better with this because I signed up for Emily Levenson’s Project:Food Budget so I kind of don’t have a choice – so let’s do it together and make it less painful!)
- Weeds would pick themselves from the roots and fling themselves from my garden
What would your super power be?