When I received an email titled, “Bloggy Idea – I might be crazy” in my inbox yesterday, there was no way I couldn’t open it right away. Blog ideas that are so insane they might just work? Sign. Me. Up.
The proposal: blog all day e’ry day for the month of May. Okay, not all day, but the every day part is true. I tried to do this way wayyyy back and the results are something I should probably delete because I had no plan and you know how much not having a plan drives me nuts.
Well, Katy is such a rockstar that she has a plan. She, Meghan, and myself will be using the prompts below to write one thing every day for the month of May. We’re calling it Blogger, May I? and I love it.
The prompts are broad enough that anyone and everyone can join the fun. Or you can just use your own – ain’t nobody got time for rules here.
You don’t have to write every day if you aren’t inspired to. Maybe there’s just a few things here that tickle your fancy – that’s cool, too! Either way, link up with us when you post and use the hashtag #BloggerMayI on your social pages so we can see that people actually are into this follow the fun!
May 1: Introduce Yourself
May 2: Five Favorites
May 3: SUNDAY LATELY (Dwelling, Helping, Forgetting, Switching, Relying)
May 4: Never Have I Ever…
May 5: The Story Behind Your Blog Name.
May 6: Share a Recipe.
May 7: Where do you call “HOME”?
May 8: A Story Without Words.
May 9: Most Important Female Figure in Your Life.
May 10: SUNDAY LATELY (Updating, Reminding, Needing, Wearing, Being)
May 11: What Are You Learning?
May 12: Favorite Blogging Tools.
May 13: This Time Last Year…
May 14: A Big Dream/Goal.
May 15: Who/What Inspires You?
May 16: Tips on How to be a Tourist in Your City.
May 17: SUNDAY LATELY (Completing, Visiting, Repeating, Applauding, Scheduling)
May 18: Current Struggles.
May 19: How Do You Define Beauty?
May 20: Show Off Something You’ve Created.
May 21: Blogs You Love.
May 22: Describe Your Style.
May 23: Makeup Must-Haves.
May 24: SUNDAY LATELY (Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling)
May 25: Favorite Quote.
May 26: Summer Plans.
May 27: Treat Yo Self! What would it be?
May 28: #Get #Hashtag #Happy
May 29: List of Ten Things.
May 30: If I Had a Super Power…
May 31: SUNDAY LATELY Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting)
Grab a button and insert it into your posts or sidebar (and if you forget the prompt for the day, it’ll link back to this post!)

Pingback: Story Behind The Blog Name - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: A 30-something and the Story Behind Her Blog Name | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Cocktail recipes for summer - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: Share a Recipe, aka: I can’t cook, so you get someone else’s. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Home is Pittsburgh, but I’m from Cleveland. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: A Story Without Words. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Most Important Female Figure in Your Life. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Sunday Lately, 19 - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: SUNDAY LATELY: Updating, Reminding, Needing, Wearing, Being | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: How to: use manifesting and affirmations - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: 4 Favorite Blogging Tools | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: The past is passed… but it still haunts us. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Dream big - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: Dream Big, Goal Small | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Five places to get inspiration - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: Inspired. So good. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: What I'm Working On Episode 02 - Ampersand Creative()
Pingback: A thank you - Gardening in High Heels()
Pingback: A Tourist in Pittsburgh. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: How Do You Define Beauty? | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Current Struggles | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Knowing Your 30-something Style | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: Makeup Must-Haves | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: SUNDAY LATELY: Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing, Feeling | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: 30-Something Summer Plans | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: #Hashtag #Happy: Hashtag, #StopIt. | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: List of Ten Things (of 10 things) | 30-Something Therapy()
Pingback: SUNDAY LATELY: Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming, Expecting | 30-Something Therapy()